Welcome to the Church of God website
The Church of God is a Christian seventh-day (or Sabbath, Sabbatarian) observing fundamentalist organization. At the base of all of our teachings and beliefs is the understanding that all are called to obey God and follow the example of Jesus, both of which are recorded in the Holy Bible.
There can be no doubt whatever that the Lord Jesus desires His followers to study the Word of God. Jesus said: "Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." John 5:39.
We must discern from the word of God what He expects from us. We must live to those expectations and teach them to others. Let us not follow the doctrines of men; but be pleasing unto Him. The Church of God, as His followers, must watch against the false prophets of the last days.
The Church of God web site is dedicated to assisting those who are searching for God's truth. We will demonstrate God's truth using nothing more than His own word - The Holy Bible. The Church of God will offer online study tools and aids, as well as Bible based entertainment like quizzes and wordsearches, offer testimonials of others and offsite links to help in this search.
If you want to learn more about what the Church of God believes about the seventh day Sabbath (God's sanctified and Holy day of rest), other Biblical doctrines or what the Bible says about other things like: What are God's people taught with regard to Holy Days (Christmas, Easter, Feast Days and the like). What is the appearance of evil? Are Christ and God individual, biune or triune? What is the nature of the Holy Spirit? How or when will Christ return? What is God's Church really like? Were the laws nailed to the cross? When was Christ born? When does the Passover fall? Is Sabbath Sunday, Saturday or some other day? Are we justified by faith? What happens to us when we die? What is the state of the dead? We will endeavour to show the answers to these and many other questions using only scripture from the Holy Bible.
The Church of God Selected Bible Verse of the Day
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. I Thessalonians 5:21 .