The Church of God believes the following statements, for more insight see the Church of God Literature page for a complete Doctrinal booklet and pamphlets on specific subjects.
DOCTRINE shall in all cases be according to the Holy Bible, and inasmuch as the Scriptures clearly teach the following points of doctrine, the same are listed as essentials of our faith:
1. The Bible, Old and New Testaments, is inspired as no other writing is, and is complete, infallible and expresses God's complete will to man.
2. The Eternal One in Heaven is the Creator of the heaven, the earth, the sea and all that is therein. He is our heavenly Father.
3. God is unchangeable. He does not change His Commandments or His will for man. He is perfect in all His ways.
4. Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten son of God. A virgin shall conceive by the power of God, and bear a son, who is our Lord, Christ and redeemer. Jesus was with God at the beginning of creation. He is the firstborn of all things created by God.
5. Jesus proved He is the Messiah by remaining in the tomb exactly "three days and three nights."
6. The Holy Spirit is the comforter, which abides in the believer and is manifest by gifts. The indwelling and birth of the Holy Spirit is necessary in order for the body to be resurrected and the living to be changed at Christ’s Second Coming.
7. We stand opposed to the jabbering called, "speaking in tongues." That the true speaking in tongues is very understandable and translatable languages.
8. Satan is a personality, and before he became the devil, he was an anointed angel, called Lucifer. His pride was lifted up and he was cast out of heaven. That as the Devil he is the adversary of God and of all of the Children of God.
9. Man was created perfect originally; but through disobedience fell, bringing imperfection and death.
10. The Christian life must be patterned after the perfect man, Christ Jesus, give yourself as a living sacrifice; that the Church may be clean, unspotted and separate from the world.
11. The congregation be recognized as the Church of God as exampled by the Apostles.
12. The Organization and Government of the Assembly be as "God did set" it. The head of the Assemblies of God is Jesus the Christ. He is also the foundation and corner stone of this body having purchased it with His own blood, then Apostles; the seventy; later the seven were added as needed.
13. Repentance from sin, conversion and baptism are essential for salvation and receiving eternal life.
14. Baptism is by immersion, in the name Jesus the Christ, for the remission of sins. This is followed by the laying on of hands for the reception of the Holy Spirit.
15. The people of God shall be sanctified.
16. The prayers of the righteous will be answered through faith.
17. The calling of the elders, and laying on of hands, with the prayer of faith, and anointing with oil shall save the sick as God wills.
18. The Lord's Supper is to be observed annually, at the beginning of the 14th day of the first month Abib. Jesus Christ became the Passover and was slain on this date.
19. The Lord’s Supper consist of, first the foot washing, second the breaking of unleavened bread, third the taking of the fruit of the vine. This is the order in which Jesus put it at His Last Supper.
20. We observe Saturday the seventh day of the week, from even to even, as the Sabbath.
21. The paying of the tithe of all increase is an example for a faithful giver.
22. We stand opposed to participation in carnal warfare, abortion, or the taking of any life.
23. The taking in of anything unclean is an abomination to God.
24. Man's body is the Temple of God. Polluting the temple inside or out by partaking in anything that alters one’s mind, behaviour or body is contrary to the nature of man.
25. We stand apposed to the outward adorning of the body.
26. The lot system is the Biblical method for choosing officers. God is in the disposition of the lot when His guidance is asked for with prayer.
27. The Ten Commandments should be taught and adhered to.
28. Justification from sins is by faith through the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
29. Jesus the Christ is the mediator not an investigator. We are instructed to examine ourselves.
30. Jesus Christ completed the atonement through his death on the cross.
31. Christ's sacrifice allows all Saints to come directly to God through prayer.
32. The dead are in their graves until Christ’s return, and immortality is conditional.
33. The message of the three angels of Revelation 14:6-12 has been preached since the early church, and until the second coming of Jesus the Christ.
34. Babylon still exists in its teachings through the pagan Roman Empire.
35. We are not to practice false worship. Some examples are Christmas, Easter, Trinity and Halloween.
36. That the return of Jesus the Christ is imminent, will be literal, and every eye shall see him.
37. The Bible teaches that at the second coming, Jesus will have two roles. Reaping and Warring.
38. The Saints are caught up to the sea of glass to meet our Lord Jesus in the air.
39. The millennium is the time that Jesus will rule the earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords with His Saints over the nations that have come into the thousand-year reign.
40. The New Jerusalem—The City of God—is the Bride of the Lord Jesus the Christ. The Saints are those called to the marriage of the Lamb and adorn the City of God, with their righteousness.
41. At the end of Christ’s thousand-year reign, He shall put all enemies under His feet, and become subject to the Father.
42. God has fulfilled His promise to earthly Israel by establishing them in the Holy Land, and will not remove them until Christ’s return.
43. The 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14 are of the literal twelve tribes of Israel, being the first fruits unto God and the Lamb.
44. The throne of David will be established at the earthly Jerusalem by Jesus Christ. David will be Israel's Prince. Jesus’ apostles will be judges over Israel. The nations shall be the subjects of the New Kingdom.
45. The spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus; which is the word of God.
46. Nothing is to be added or taken away from God’s Holy Word.
47. The Word of God is not of any private interpretation.
48. The Church of God stands opposed to divorce or remarriage for any cause except as recorded in Matthew 19:9; Romans 7:2.
49. The act of homosexuality and misuse of the body is an abomination to God.
50. There are two resurrections, one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting destruction.
51. Fasting with prayer is a powerful and personal method of petitioning God.
52. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are not the same being.
53. The Seals, Trumpets and Vials of Revelation are separate events.
54. We believe the Bible speaks to a person being buried rather than burned.